Saturday, May 11, 2013

Big fat numbered post...

Okay so there has been a TON going on around here. We are busy bees with a crawling, talking (mama and dada) little babe. These moments are unbelievably cherished as she is sprouting her own personality right before my eyes... sigh.

1. We are buying a house! Not just house hunting, which, by the way is the most exhausting thing. I did it for one day. I've had enough of it. But, luckily, the last house we went to see was the perfect one, and we are ecstatic about it.

2. Before house hunting, Emma and I had some errands to run and while in the grocery store I realized it was passed her lunchtime, but I still had some shopping to do (avocados this time of year just call to me) So, I bought one of those organic baby-spoonless-a little odd squeezable baby food package. We've never bought them as I don't think that using these will teach my little how to eat with utensils and that there are proper times to eat a meal. (breakfast-lunch-dinner) But I went for it anyway. (yolo mindset)

I gave it to her in the car on our way home, I didn't hear a peep - I figured, job well done, mama.

Dude, I was wrong. I opened the backseat to this-

So.. I don't think we are ready for squeezable food.

3. We are now obsessed with the computer. I know, It's a really amazing technology and all.. but I swear, if I turn my back, shes over to it in a second banging on the keys like a pro pianist. 
Shes going to be a genius! ;)

4. We love to climb up drawers now. I actually read an article on the 'what to expect' website that says letting babies stand holding on to drawers and letting them take the clothes out to explore is great for stimulation! (supervised, of course.) Go figure! So I let her at it -


 I let her in Daddy's drawers... sorry, daddy :)

5. We went to the Zoo! It's a small zoo, family owned, near our home. Heather and I decided to make an impromptu trip and take Emma on Saturday. We were skeptical because the skies were looming a bit, but it turned out to be a fabulous day. 

Heather has voulenteered at the Lynwood Park Zoo in the past, so she was our tour guide for the day. This particular zoo is different though, dusty, dirt paths, tree roots making their way to the surface. I loved its uniqueness and although its not very large, it was very inviting. We had a blast feeding the animals with the little sack of corn that they provide when you enter the zoo.

 Emma & Miss Heather <3

 Heather made a friend... to whom she fed clovers ;)

The goats were my favorite (I think) They are super friendly (wonder why?!) and the babies escape the pen and go play in the fields and under the trees. It is ADORABLE! The staff and voulenteers keep a close eye but the kids always manage to go out and play.

 Photos of Emma & I courtesy of Miss Heather :)

 Si Robertson * of the Lynwood Park Zoo!!

The most wonderful people work here!! Seriously, I wanted to hug them the whole time. So knowledgeable and loving of these animals. They were kind enough to bring out other animals for us to get to know, and also to teach us a few things as well.

 These tortoises live until they are like 160 years old!! This guy is still young!

 Showing us how to tell the age of tortoises.

It was a wonderful decision to go. If anyone is in the area of Richlands, NC and need something to do - support a local zoo.

So much to say & So little time. So enjoy the photos while I get caught up in life :)

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