Saturday, December 1, 2012

Queen of Crafts

 So as promised, today I am going to share a little bit of passed down wisdom. For as long as I can remember, I have been doing all kinds of crafts with my grandmother, Mimi (before it was "in!") I have learned most of my tricks of the trade from her. And even though it would fill hundreds of pages to share her projects, I saw a couple that she had done recently when I went to visit and want to share with you, (& some tips!)
How cute is THIS! Most of Mimi's finds for crafts, projects & gifts are found at the thrift store! We are habitual thrift store shoppers, find a piece you love, use your imagination and create! These women are cut-outs from an old book find. (thrift store!) And what a cute little suitcase. How fun would this be for your make up and essentials when traveling?! I know I always look for something with a hard surrounding because who wants smooshed make up or toothpaste??
Okay this is another one of my favorites, if only because I LOVE nursery rhymes! These are cut from a book as well, not only did she cover this, but there is a matching crayon/marker box. What a good gift for a child who loves to draw or write!! I don't think that Mimi has ever used modge podge bought from the store,  she has always made her own. But her famous (and easiest) recipe for it is just Elmer's Glue mixed with water! Simple, right?
These are pretty cool right? Loving all of the colors! Heres a tip that Mimi taught me, you can buy paint samples at the hardware store for about $3. I did know this but I had NO idea that they had so much paint in them! Not only did she do this with one can of each, she also painted two other pieces! Now heres the great thing, if you ask in the hardware store, a lot of times they have samples that were made and were not what the customer wanted, making the extremely discounted! She got each one of these colors for about .50 a piece. WHAT A STEAL!!
And last, but most definitely not least, have a look at this piece she just finished up on. A basic (thrift store!) dresser, a world map, and ONE can of sample paint, which she did 2-3 coats of on the dresser. The Map is simply decopodged on. I almost took this one right out of the house, but I had the feeling she really liked it ;) I love the world map idea, really for any room. I am thinking vintage travel guest room with old suitcases as a night stand, and theme dressers and something with post cards :) but I'm just dreaming!

Like I said, Queen of Crafts!


<3, Taylor

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Trip

Happy (Late) Thanksgiving everyone! I know, super late - it's already almost Cyber Monday, which is apparently a new holiday nowadays. And I think it lasts all week now? You won't catch my butt out on Black Friday if I can buy everything for the same price online + free shipping! Anyway, getting off topic here. Our holiday was fantastic! We did everything (pretty much) that we wanted to do. Emma and I visited with my Mimi and Aunt Jeana on Wednesday evening and had Golden Palace Chinese which is the best.. seriously, it's been in the same shopping center for like 35 years. That's insane. It was alot of fun going through Mimi's "Stuff", I have alot of goodies to share about my visit later :) Then Thursday was of course Thanksgiving! We went to mass with my family and the boys played some flag football afterwards, totally hilarious to watch, especially since my step dad was the ref! And I got to spend some time with my sister :)

Then we went to Hubby's Grandparents for dinner! We had alot of fun relaxing and hanging out with the cousins (bunch of goofballs) It was relaxing for this Momma since Emma's Grandma, Great-Grandma and Great Aunt Kathy all wanted a piece of her!! My mother in law makes the BEST broccoli casserole, I believe that is what it's called. It doesn't matter, either way its delicious! Note to self: Need the recipe for that for family dinners in the future! All of the food was fabulous. When I was younger we always went to my Grammy & Pop Pop's for Thanksgiving and although I absolutely love the new tradition, I have to admit, I miss the smell of turkey, glazed ham (which we still have!) Along with the smell of Lasagna and my Grammy's homemade spaghetti sauce & yummy garlic bread. Italian anyone? But thats okay, I still get to enjoy it when I go home and Tony makes it for the family on sunday evenings :) Maybe I'll share the recipe someday..

Friday we went to see my dad, step mom & Brothers! (are you starting to see that I have a huge family.. sometimes a pain, but always a blessing!) We enjoyed the afternoon and hung around outside, i'm glad we took advantage, because on Saturday it was bitter cold and I was ready to get home to North Carolina! Here are a few photos from Dad's visit.
We made a spur of the moments pit-stop on our way home from dads at "Lights on the Bay" We took Emma out of her carseat and let her ride up front in my lap to check out the show. Don't freak out people we were only going 5 miles per hour! ;)

I had lots of pictures to share today :) Great holiday, can't wait to do it again in a month, now go out and get ready for Cyber Monday! Happy Christmas shopping everyone!

<3 Taylor

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


 It looks like I might have a lot to say today, so thanks for listening readers!

Today I've learned of some very sad news effecting some people in my hometown. I do not know them, so i will not mention their names but I've been informed of their story and it is a sad one. Their little boy has passed away from SIDS. Now, as someone with some serious anxieties and a real desire to leave things up to our lord, this hits close to home. Every new parent has their anxieties and worries about their children constantly, but I don't think I was prepared for just how MUCH I was going to worry about her. From the day I got pregnant, I even started walking a little slower (afraid she was going to fall out maybe? - i dont know!) But now, with all of this new research and focus on SIDS, my sense of control has gone out the window. Now, as a mother, there are only so many things you can do to protect your child. The rest is up to God. Being a christian person, this concept should come much more easy to me, but it doesn't. My husband has this quality where he can let things take their course and trust in our higher power, but for me - I'm a constant worrier. There was one night, I kid you not, I was up at 4:30 am googling how to prevent these things from happening to my child. Sure there are breathing monitors, child CPR, and a network of educators and doctors that will tell you what will reduce these chances. But nothing can prepare you for this, nor can these things prevent it entirely! I guess what I'm trying to say is, no matter what we do here on this earth, we are not perfect. And the decision of who gets to be angels at this time and who doesn't is not up to us! Everyday is a struggle with this for me, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this!! My heart goes out to this family in their time of need...and anyone else who has ever been through and overcome something like this. We mommas, (& daddys!!) need to help each other out, be there for your neighbor, or even someone you don't know! Reach out and send support to groups that are there for people for things like this, or anyhing that you are passionate about! Hug and kiss your babies everyday...

God Bless <3 Taylor

3 Months Old!

 Today we are celebrating that Emma Lee is 3 months old! (we made it!! woooo!) I remember when we we first brought her home... what a doosy of a first month lol But I hear that its like that for everyone their first night so now that I look back, it wasn't so bad.
Who am I kidding, it was terrible! Trying to nurse with no milk, trying to get a flailing baby to sleep on her back without whacking herself in the head, trying to handle my own emotions that were so out there I could have been from a different planet! But with the help of my best friend, coffee - we made it. I don't think any new mother realizes how much sleep you DO NOT get when you bring a new baby home. I mean all of our lives we've been allowed to sleep (pretty much) when we want, for as long as we want. Well, not anymore! When we first brought Emma home, I had STRICT instructions "back to sleep." Now, I am not trying to make my own rules here, but who really sleeps on their back unless have a back issue, or,'re pregnant! I had so many nights awake with Emma for hours trying to feed her then so carefully place her on her back so she would sleep. Not so much. We tried everything! we tried propping her on her side, which did work for a time, we tried the pacifier, which she still spits out with her tongue and then kind of looks at me like "yeah right." When we moved to our new house, we were still using her bassinet in our room at night, but slowly I was realizing that we have a BIG baby on our hands. (90th percentile) I was so tired, my eyes hurt, my back hurt, my butt hurt..? I think my body was failing me JUST A BIT. So I tried something, one day for a nap, I had the pack n' play in the living room while I was watching 'A Baby Story' on TLC. <3 I laid Emma on her belly in the pack n' play for a nap and she slept for 4 HOURS!!!!! Light bulbs were blinking on in my brain and angels were singing a little ;)
So, after much debate - (and a lot of nap trial runs) I put her to sleep on her belly one night, and we both slept for a 6 hour stretch for the very first time. Now I know there is a ton of controversy on this issue, I mean, I slept on my belly from day one when I was born - as did most people my age and before. I am still a belly sleeper to this day and why would I deprive my baby of a good night sleep! They are just going to change the rules in another 10 years, so I say - do what works for you and baby. YOU are the mom, I had to tell myself this many times during the first few weeks... who am I kidding, I still have to tell myself this! (And I need hubby to tell me the same) Now I know that belly sleeping is not for every baby, but Emma has great head control, she moves her head all around and holds it up just fine (has from day one) and, she sleeps right next to my bed so that I can be there at a moments notice. I think that God has a plan for everyone, and he will take care of the choices that my heart needs to make because i'll tell you what - being a mom is full of choices! You get to choose the way your baby is raised, isn't that great! I didn't see it that way in the beginning, but I am really starting to :)

So I just wanted to share today, this little lesson that I learned in mommy world!

Happy 3 Months my little Peanut!

Oh, and by the way - Emma has been sleeping through the night for about 2 weeks!! KNOCK ON WOOD ;)

<3 Taylor

Monday, November 19, 2012


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All about US

My name is Taylor, I am married to a wonderful man (& Marine) named Billy and together we have a 3 month old daughter named Emma. She is our greatest blessing. A little about us- Billy & I got hitched on June 2nd 2010. What a great day! It was very intimate with just our immediate families. 

We moved to Cherry Point MCAS, NC a few days later (a few very stress-filled days lol) We lived there together in our little house on base for 2 years! On November 12 2011 we renewed our vows at our church at home in Maryland (:
What a fabulous day with friends and family, and look at those leaves!!! As a amateur photographer, I'm all about setting!
We found out we were expecting our little girl the following month, what a wonderful Christmas present, right! It was a rough  pregnancy... more about that later. But on August 20th 2012 we were blessed to meet our princess, Emma! She has had such an impact on our lives. You hear this ALL the time from new mothers and fathers "How can something so small have such a big impact on your life and fill your heart with so much joy?!" But this is the most TRUE statement ever said. We Love You Emma Lee!

Hubby has recently re-enlisted for another 4 years (woo hoo!) and we have been stationed at Camp Lejeune, NC. We are excited to be here and starting this new journey in our life because i truly believe life is made up of many of them! cheers ;)

<3 Taylor

Pilot Post (:

Yesterday I was visiting the bookstore with my hubby & little girl and we were looking at the journals for sale. (I absolutely love journals of every kind, even if I don't write in them often, I do have good intentions of it) But instead of buying a journal to write down inspirations, daily lessons i've learned and the MAYHEM of daily life, I decided to start this blog instead to share my stories with you! I'm always coming across new and exciting things and I can't just keep them to myself, that would be cheating some very great people out of knowledge :P So, throughout these posts I will contemplate life, share stories, (and a few flashbacks) and hopefully try new things to share! Thanks for following (: